The pre-built binaries of StreamFX are only available to sponsors now. And the author purged all the 0.12 alpha builds from GitHub. The only free option for OBS 27+ users is to build it from source. Okay, fair enough.
There is a official guide for how to build the project. It works in general but misses some details. If you are familar with GitHub actions, it is better to check the main.yml out.
All the following instructions are a de-templatized version of the original action, and they are Windows x64 only. That said, the idea still applies to Linux or macOS.
- Install all the prerequisites for your platform.
- You need two tarballs, named after
. Extract them into two different paths, noted as$OBS
. For a Windows build, the expected version of OBS dependencies is overrided by obs-StreamFX/third-party/DEPS_VERSION_WIN. - If you want to make a Windows installer, Inno Setup is required.
- LLVM is optional. The official pipeline uses LLVM 14. LLVM 15 works though. Make sure to install it if you don’t want to change the following commands.
- Do make sure to check out all the submodules.
- You need a Windows SDK. The official pipeline uses
which could be found here.
- You need two tarballs, named after
- Build LibOBS (commands are Windows specific)
- Run
cmake -S "$ROOT/third-party/obs-studio" -B "$ROOT/build/obs" -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64 -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION="10.0.20348.0" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$ROOT/build/obs/install" -DENABLE_PLUGINS=OFF -DENABLE_UI=OFF -DENABLE_SCRIPTING=OFF -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$OBS;$OBS_QT6"
in PowerShell.$ROOT
is where you cloned the StreamFX repository,$OBS
are paths you just extracted the two tarballs to. - Run
cmake --build "$ROOT/build/obs" --config Release --target obs-frontend-api
- Run
cmake --install "$ROOT/build/obs" --config Release --component obs_libraries
- Run
- Build StreamFX
- Run
cmake -S "$ROOT" -B "$ROOT/build/ci" -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64 -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION="10.0.20348.0" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$ROOT/build/ci/install" -DPACKAGE_NAME="streamfx-windows" -DPACKAGE_PREFIX="$ROOT/build/package" -DENABLE_CLANG=TRUE -DCLANG_PATH="$LLVM" -DENABLE_PROFILING=ON -Dlibobs_DIR="$ROOT/build/obs/install" -DQt_DIR="$OBS_QT6" -DFFmpeg_DIR="$OBS" -DCURL_DIR="$OBS"
is the installation of your LLVM, on Windows, it is usuallyC:\Program Files\LLVM\bin\
. - Run
cmake --build "$ROOT/build/ci" --config RelWithDebInfo --target install
- Run
- Packaging
- Run
& "$INNO" /V10 "$ROOT\build\ci\installer.iss"
is your Inno Setup installation, on Windows, it is usuallyC:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 6\ISCC.exe
. - Enjoy your installer. :)
- Run